Delays: outbound sending. Inbound messages are being processed immediately.


All message queues are now caught up. Outbound and Inbound messages are being sent immediately.


We are making good progress and the API is stabilizing. The Inbound queue is completely caught up and the Outbound queue is almost cleared. Webhooks and other activity events are still delayed.


We are starting to process messages again and restoring all other services.


All services are temporarily queued while we continue to work on today's issues. Thank you for your patience.


New messages continue to be sent right away while we are still working through a back log of older messages. Inbound, webhooks and statistics and activity events are now also delayed.


Messages sent in the last 30 mins are currently delayed. New messages are being sent immediately. We're working on getting queue cleared as quickly as possible.

Began at:

Affected components
  • SMTP