Service Issue: Outbound sending. Outbound messages are delayed.


We've resolved the incident and all sending is back to normal. Thank you for your patience.

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Postmark Support

We've worked through the queue and message sending is returning to normal speeds for all sends now.

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Postmark Support

We've implemented a fix for the issue that was causing message delays. It is possible to see previously sent messages delayed as we work through the queue of messages. Newly triggered messages will be sent normal.

We'll update the status once we have sent all queued messages.

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Postmark Support

We've identified the source of sending delays, and are implementing a fix. Some previously messages may still be delayed as we work through the delayed sending message queue.

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Postmark Support

We are investigating reports of delayed message sending. Messages are being accepted, and sent delayed. We'll provide an update as we have more information.

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Postmark Support
Began at:

Affected components
  • API
  • SMTP (sending)
  • SMTP (receiving)